What is God currently doing – what is our role in it – and what should we stop doing?
These are the central questions for anyone following Christ the King. Most of Christendom is currently driven by one of three scenarios. They are based on our foundational assessment of what God is up to.
I) If we believe that “all is well in Zion!”, then the Church is essentially alright and needs to simply continue what it has done before. The order of the day would then be business as usual.
II) If we believe that the basic setup of the Church is more or less correct, we would constantly need to modernize, reform and upgrade the Church by adding things lost in history and responding to cultural change. They order of the day would be Church 1.x – what some call “tweaking” the Church.
III) If we believe the current configuration of Church is dysfunctional in regards to the purposes of God and is increasingly becoming obsolete, we need to become ready for a game changing REFORNATION where we begin to embrace and act out the blueprints and templates of the Kingdom of God, God’s original nation, “on earth, as it is in heaven”. This would require us to getting ready to change our entire setup.
Together with an increasing number of followers of Christ we believe that we have now arrived at scenario III.
Many have become weary and tired of “playing church”, of doing CAWKI – Church-as-we-know-it. God is causing many to switch into arrival mode, as they sense they are much closer to the finishing line - Hebr 12; Rev 21 - than when it all began. After a time of Reformation and Re-Reformation, of Church 1.x, a phase of rediscovering and adding aspects to the classical church wineskins that had gotten lost in history, like the prophetic or apostolic dimension, God is now changing the entire picture. We have arrived at a historic watershed moment, a divine singularity, a kairos window where all tools, solutions and methods of the past seasons are becoming more and more obsolete. God himself seems to pull the plug on all man-made religion. Some even say the end of the entire Church age has come. God is causing many to migrate from the Mountain of Religion to Mt. Zion, seeking with great zeal for a homeland they have never been before. He is calling people into his Kingdom. The signs of our time indicate that these are the pregnant days of Matthew 24 and Daniel 2 in which God promised to set up his Kingdom. How do we respond to this – as a person, a business, a church, a ministry, a network?
God is not silent in such a critical moment and is initiating a new conversation. He begins by placing a new thirst for the Kingdom of God into countless people. He is inviting those that fear the Lord and honor his name, to seriously talk with each other (Mal 3:16). God is looking for entirely new vessels for a new content that is informed not by the past, but by the future. All our past systems and architectures like independent churches, stand alone ministries, networks or denominations seem to fall woefully short of an appropriate and Kingdom-based response. Most leaders are simply overextended by the magnitude of this. They are in need of a company of brothers cut from the same quarry with whom they can journey together in these crucial times, without being recruited into yet another network..